Light In The Night


Men's Ministry

Men play a vital role in our families, communities, nation and across the globe. There are many pressures on a man living in the 21st century. These pressures naturally weigh on a man's heart. 

We believe that what is in the heart of a man can impact a family and in turn, a nation. So, it is our desire to challenge, encourage and grow the heart of a man toward a deeper relationship with God that will help to draw his family and community to Christ.

Various opportunities are available for men to be challenged in their spiritual growth. Men's Bible studies are held during the week and men's breakfasts are held quarterly for encouragement and fellowship. Yearly, we offer the opportunity to get away for a weekend with other men to be challenged by God's Word and deepen their walk with Him. It's also a great time to get to know other men going through similar circumstances as you. 

Tuesdays at 9AM
1st & 3rd Sundays at 5:30PM

Men's Bible Study meets at New Life Church at 9:00 AM on Tuesday mornings, as well as the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 5:30PM.  You will enjoy a time of studying God's Word together, as well as be encouraged and challenged to become the man God has created you to be.

Relationships are key to doing life with purpose.   Over a time of sharing and prayer your relationship with the Lord and other men will be deepened.  

Call the church office 717 938 4626 or email us for more information.