

Do You Have A Relationship With Jesus Christ?

Have you ever wondered what on earth you are here for? 

Here are a few things you should know:

  • God loves you and desires to have a personal relationship with you for all eternity! John 3:16, 17
  • You can never be good enough to please God—much less live with God in heaven. Romans 3:23
  • You deserve an eternal penalty of separation from God because of your sins. Romans 6:23a
  • Here is the Good News!  Because God loves you so much, He sent Jesus to pay for your penalty, by His death on the cross. Romans 5:8
  • Because your sin penalty has been paid, God offers to you, eternal life. Isaiah 64:6
  • God will forgive your sin and give to you the gift of eternal life if you believe Jesus died for you and was raised from the dead for you. Romans 10:9,13

If there is a desire in your heart to begin a New Life with Jesus Christ, please pray the following prayer in sincerity:

“Dear Lord, I admit that I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sin against you. I believe that you died for my sin and  you were raised from the dead. Right now I am trusting you to forgive me of all my sins and to give to me the gift of eternal life."

If you sincerely prayed a prayer, similar to the one above, congratulations on the beginning of an exciting relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ