

Local Outreach

New Life Church reaches out to our community by offering various services and ministries. Email us for information about local outreach ministries.

Baby bottle blast

Every year from Mother's Day to Father's Day, baby bottles are filled with change (or cash or checks) and donated to Capital Area Pregnancy Center.

 learn more

national right to life sunday

Every year, on the third Sunday of January, a baby crib is filled with baby items for mothers that participate in the program at Capital Area Pregnancy Center. 

 learn more

Softball team

Men 16 and older are welcome to join the New Life softball team in the Spring. Email Matt Riggins for more information. 


operation christmas child

You can bring a smile to a child's face and give them the opportunity to learn about Jesus by filling a simple shoebox with small items like toys, hygiene items and school supplies during the Christmas season. Email Ginger Wallace for more information.